The Build Act

American businesses, entrepreneurs, and investors are some of the most successful in the world. Imagine the impact they can have on a developing economy. But right now, too many of them are on the sidelines. The BUILD Act was just introduced in Congress to help bring them into this fight with us.

The simple truth is: the best tool for fighting poverty is a job. And right now, there are a lot of American entrepreneurs and investors who want to do business in developing and fragile countries — places where new jobs and stronger economic development could make a huge difference — but can’t get the loans or insurance they need in order to do it. The BUILD Act would help create jobs in Africa by helping American entrepreneurs do business there.

This is why the BUILD Act is bringing Republicans and Democrats together on Capitol Hill. It was introduced by Senators Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) and Chris Coons (D-Del.), and Representatives Ted Yoho (R-Fla.) and Adam Smith (D-Wash.). It says a lot about the importance of this legislation that they’ve teamed up.


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