In his final moments of life, George Floyd called for his mother as a white Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck in the street.
Floyd’s death has sparked a now worldwide anti-racism movement, huge anti-police brutality protests across America, and a national conversation that is reckoning with the US history of racism.

But Floyd’s finals words have also rallied women who have grieved the death of their own children, the victims of police brutality, for years.

These mothers of Americans killed by police have watched as tens of thousands recently mourned the deaths of another three black children: Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and Floyd.

But sometimes their own grief stretches for many years. Since her son Amadou Diallo’s death in a hail of 41 bullets from police in 1999, Kadiatou Diallo has watched black mothers grieve. So has Valerie Bell, since police shot her son Sean Bell 50 times hours before his wedding in 2006. As has Constance Malcolm, after police followed her 17-year-old son, Ramarley Graham, into his home in 2012, shooting him in front of his six-year-old brother after alleging they saw a gun on the unarmed teen.

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